Archive for September, 2018

Psionic Free Fire Zone


free fire

Not saying what it is but ya’ll have fun now.

How to celebrate Destroyer Day


In the beginning it was a bit of a joke.  I needed a holiday and the anniversary of getting one of my favorite comic books was just too good to resist.  It meant I had a reason to wear a cool helmet.

As the years have gone by and it has become one of the holiest days of the Cosimanian Orthodox calendar, people have asked me how to commemorate it.  Here is the method.

You will need one radionic box.  The Vampire Box works best but any radionic box will do.

You will need a witness of yourself and a picture of an atomic bomb going off.

If you are using the Vampire Box, all you need do is place the photo of the explosion in the transmittal well and your witness on the top plate.  Then hit the switch and let it run, putting energy of the blast into your psychic body and thus you feed upon it.

If you are using a tunable box, place the photo of the explosion on the input plate, set the rate for that and then place the witness of yourself on the output plate.  If your box has an amplifier, just turn it on.  If not, let it sit as you feed off the energy of the blast.


Destroyer Day!!!


invisible destroyer

Hooray!  Hooray!  It’s Destroyer Day!



Never forget.

Never forgive.


Let’s Ride!



They do well


In burning Nike shoes.  They would do better if they burned them while the people were wearing them.

That should send some eyebrows rising. he he he