Archive for October, 2020

The Monstrous Regiment of Women.


Never forget. In all of human history no woman has ever accomplished anything without the tacit support or direct aid of men. Without men, neither Elizabeth I, nor Catherine de Medici would have lived five minutes.

In all of human history, no man has ever needed a woman to acheive anything.



There is some sturm and drang over Yelp, whatever that may be, accusing a business of being racist. It would seem there are two possible responses to such things.

First is to sue the hell out Yelp for libel. Put it out of business.

The second, and more effective, is to just laugh it off. “And they say it as if anyone would care.”

The way to deal with an interviewer with something like this goes as follows:Interviewer: X says you are a racist. How do you respond to that?

You: I don’t.

Interviewer: But don’t you have anything to say in your defense?

You: No, there is no reason to.
Interviewer: Then you don’t care.

You: No, I don’t care.

The helpless sputtering is worth the price of admission.





It is merely a matter of properly explaining it to them.

Atilla the Hun’s Birthday


How did October 1 become the birthday of Atilla the Hun? It began with this:

In 1976 I was going out with her. October the first that year was warm, in the 80s, so we went outside with her hands chained and on a leash. One of our friends asked why and I said, “It’s Atilla the Hun’s birthday.” Everyone had a good laugh.

But the idea stuck. After our relationship blew up I kept the custom of celebrating October 1st as the birthday of Atilla the Hun and somehow the idea got into the Mahatmosphere for a few years later on the holy day I was listening to Paul Harvey on the radio and he told the story of how Atilla died of a nosebleed on his 438th wedding night. Welly welly well little droogies. This was odd and interesting.

It got better. That night, Johnny Carson began his monologue with, “Today is Attila the Hun’s birthday.” HUH??????

Ideas spread and sometimes people will come up with things that just sort become an epidemic. This was one of them.